In 2017, a power sports audio company named Soundz contacted us to help them quickly bringing their product to market. They were headed to Daytona Bike Week to do on-site sales and installs of their speaker systems.
But there was one major problem: the original speakers they received had a production issue which created poor audio quality. So, they needed help designing, prototyping, and manufacturing a new after-market tweeter housing—in just one week.
This was our first large production order. Primary Mfg was still in its infancy then. At the time, we did not have any 3D Systems machines nor did we have multi jet fusion capabilities. We were just starting out with two Carbon M1 machines and a vision for the additive process. Since then, we have grown, but our experience with Soundz is still a great case study for additive manufacturing and its advantages.
To meet the tight deadline, additive manufacturing was the perfect solution.
Rapid prototyping and testing yielded the best design and final product.
RPU 70 parts not only have incredible material properties but a production-level finish as well.
We were connected to Soundz through a mutual acquaintance. This person had heard about our new manufacturing company and said that Soundz might be interested and needed help on a project. The next morning we met with Soundz and began discussing their challenges and how we could help solve them.
They had run into a problem with the parts they had originally ordered: the speaker cone on their system was a convex shape (instead of concave) which was interfering with the tweeter and distorting the sound. For a company who prides themselves on high-quality audio, this was a product they could not put on the market.
Furthermore, they were attending Daytona Bike Week—one of the industry’s most important shows—in just a few days and did not have time to order a new speaker system. With an impending deadline, they could not afford to wait months for an injection molded prototype and final part.
“The collaborative effort among Primary Manufacturing, Carbon and Soundz allowed my company to bring an idea to market faster than we ever thought possible. That potential led us to sell completely out of stock of this speaker during its launch at Daytona Bike Week.”
Because the new tweeter housing had to be integrated and fit with the main speaker, we decided to redesign much of the speaker assembly. Working closely with Soundz, we determined that the best solution was to remove the tweeter bridge from the main speaker and install the new tweeter housing directly into the grill of the main speaker.
Aesthetically, the new tweeter housing had to blend in with the main speaker’s grill. They not only needed a functional component, but one which matched finish and texture of the base speaker housing. It was important that both the grill design and finish matched in order to create a unified appearance. Using the main speaker as an example, we designed the grill on the new tweeter housing to match that of the main speaker grill.
Tweeter Housing with Minimal Supports on Carbon M1 Build Platform
Finally, our engineers created a design for manufacturing which required minimal supports. Because Soundz was on a time crunch, we knew it was important to both optimize build times and minimize post-processing. The efficient support structures enabled us to quickly produce and process prototypes of the new tweeter housing and ultimately of the final design.
As a power sports company which values sleek appearances, Soundz needed a product with long-term durability and a high-quality appearance. The Carbon DLS process we use produces production-level surface finishes and parts with amazing mechanical properties.
Coincidently, this Soundz speaker system is named the Carbon Series. While it’s not named after the Carbon DLS process, it is an apropos name for the system which was used to produce it.
For the tweeter housing, RPU 70 was the ideal material. Not only is it strong, but it is also resistant to light and moisture—perfect for use on motorcycles.
The new tweeter housing was designed the same day we met with Soundz and by the following day, we had built a tough and durable RPU70 prototype.
After delivering the prototype for testing, Soundz submitted feedback, and we made a few edits to perfect the part. Rapid design change is made easy by additive technologies. Within just a few hours, we could produce another prototype for inspection.
The final production parts were manufactured within one week. And, in just 10 days after the first meeting, Soundz received their new tweeter housing in Daytona Beach just in time for the bike show. By the end of the Daytona Bike Week, Soundz had sold all of their speaker systems and ordered more tweeter housings for their next show.
Additive manufacturing was the perfect solution for their problem. With additive technologies, we were able to completely redesign the tweeter housing, send them a prototype for testing, and deliver production parts—all within ten days and just in time for the bike show.
New Tweeter Housing Installed with Main Speaker