Additive Manufacturing

Primary mfg featured in case study published by loctite3d

At Primary Manufacturing (Primary MFG), we’re passionate about tackling tough manufacturing challenges with cutting-edge technology. We were thrilled to collaborate with Loctite on an innovative project that transforms precision spraying in agriculture. This partnership highlights how additive manufacturing and advanced materials can revolutionize industries.

Latitude Ag’s revolutionary SRV valve, designed by Primary MFG and printed in Loctite IND-249.

Our work focused on designing and producing robust, efficient components for a precision spraying system. Leveraging Loctite’s IND-249 material and our expertise in additive manufacturing, we delivered parts that exceed durability and performance expectations.

A build of the valve in progress.

This project underscores our commitment to innovation and quality. To explore the full story and see how we’re shaping the future of manufacturing, check out the detailed Loctite case study here.

Ready to discuss your next big idea? Contact us today.

Tolerances in Additive Manufacturing

Tolerances in Additive Manufacturing

Understanding the dimensional accuracy of different materials and processes in additive manufacturing is essential for producing parts that meet your specific requirements. By knowing the tolerances associated with MJF Nylon, MJF TPU, DLP/DLS materials, and L-PBF metals, you can make informed decisions to ensure the success of your 3D printing projects.